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Ancient Classics -> Shang Shu -> Zhou Shu -> Great Plan -> 10

viii. 'Eighth, of the various verifications.
They are rain,
and seasonableness.
When the five come, all complete,
and each in its proper order,
(even) the various plants will be richly luxuriant.
Should any one of them be either excessively abundant or excessively deficient, there will be evil.
There are the favourable verifications:
namely, of gravity, which is emblemed by seasonable rain;
of orderliness,
emblemed by seasonable sunshine;
of wisdom,
emblemed by seasonable heat;
of deliberation,
emblemed by seasonable cold;
and of sageness,
emblemed by seasonable wind,
There are (also) the unfavourable verifications
- namely, of recklessness,
emblemed by constant rain;
of assumption,
emblemed by constant sunshine;
of indolence,
emblemed by constant heat;
of hastiness,
emblemed by constant cold;
and of stupidity,
emblemed by constant wind.
He went on to say, 'The king should examine the (character of the whole) year;
the high ministers and officers (that of) the month;
and the inferior officers (that of) the day.
If, throughout the year, the month, the day, there be an unchanging seasonableness,
all the grains will be matured;
the measures of government will be wise,
heroic men will stand forth distinguished;
and in the families (of the people) there will be peace and prosperity.
If, throughout the year, the month, the day, the seasonableness be interrupted,
the various kinds of grain will not be matured;
the measures of government will be dark and unwise;
heroic men will be kept in obscurity;
and in the families (of the people) there will be an absence of repose.
By the common people the stars should be examined.
Some stars love wind,
and some love rain.
The courses of the sun and moon
give winter and summer.
The way in which the moon follows the stars
gives wind and rain.'

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