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Confucianism -> Mengzi -> Teng Wen Gong II -> 15.4

Mencius rejoined,
仲子 'Zhong belongs to an ancient and noble family of Qi.
His elder brother Dai received from Gai a revenue of 10,000 zhong,
but he considered his brother's emolument to be unrighteous, and would not eat of it,
and in the same way he considered his brother's house to be unrighteous, and would not dwell in it.
Avoiding his brother and leaving his mother,
he went and dwelt in Wu Ling.
One day afterwards,
he returned to their house, when it happened that some one sent his brother a present of a live goose.
He, knitting his eyebrows, said,
?’ "What are you going to use that cackling thing for?"
By-and-by his mother killed the goose,
and gave him some of it to eat.
Just then his brother came into the house,
and said,
。’ "It is the flesh of that cackling thing,"
upon which he went out and vomited it.
Thus, what his mother gave him he would not eat,
but what his wife gives him he eats.
He will not dwell in his brother's house,
but he dwells in Wu Ling.
How can he in such circumstances complete the style of life which he professes?
仲子 With such principles as Zhong holds,
。”a man must be an earthworm, and then he can carry them out.'

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