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Chinese Text Project

CTP Dictionary

ㄈㄨˊ (6.1): 語氣詞:用於句首,以提示下文或表示對某事進行判斷。 Modal particle used at the start of a sentence for emphasis or to indicate an assertion.
"Distinguishing" will be used to make clear the distinction between so and not-so; investigate the rules of order and chaos; make clear the locations of similarity and difference; examine the patterns of name and stuff; locate benefit and harm, and resolve doubts.
The will is the leader of the passion-nature.
The Master said, 'It is the Dao that overspreads and sustains all things. How great It is in Its overflowing influence!'
They are the rules of propriety, that furnish the means of determining (the observances towards) relatives, as near and remote; of settling points which may cause suspicion or doubt; of distinguishing where there should be agreement, and where difference; and of making clear what is right and what is wrong.
The Master said, "(It was filial piety.) Now filial piety is the root of (all) virtue, and (the stem) out of which grows (all moral) teaching.

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