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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 9 -> Anti-Confucianism II -> 2

:「Further, he holds tenaciously to the dogma of fate and argues: "Old age or early death, poverty or wealth, safety or danger, order or chaos are destined by the fate of Heaven and cannot be modified.
Failure or success, reward or punishment, luck or adversity, are all settled;
the wisdom and power of man
。」 can do nothing."
When the different officers believe this
they will neglect their several duties.
When the common people believe this
they will neglect their work.
Lax government will lead to disorder;
inefficient agriculture will lead to poverty.
And poverty is the root of disorder and insurrections.
Yet the Confucianists take this teaching about fate to be the Dao and the principle of life.
天下 This is to destroy the people of the empire.

1. 吏 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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