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道家 -> 莊子 -> 外篇 -> 達生 -> 9

Ji Xing-zi was rearing a fighting-cock for the king.
:「?」 Being asked after ten days if the bird were ready,
he said,
'Not yet;
。」he is still vain and quarrelsome, and relies on his own vigour.'
Being asked the same after other ten days,
he said,
'Not yet;
。」 he still responds to the crow and the appearance of another bird.'
After ten days more,
he replied,
'Not yet.
。」He still looks angrily, and is full of spirit.'
When a fourth ten days had passed,
he replied to the question,
'Nearly so.
Though another cock crows,
it makes no change in him.
To look at him, you would say he was a cock of wood.
His quality is complete.
No other cock will dare to meet him,
。」 but will run from him.'
