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儒家 - Confucianism

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禮記 - Liji

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《禮記》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《小戴禮記》, "The Classic of Rites"]

樂記 - Yue Ji

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《樂記》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Record of music"]

37 樂記:
Yue Ji:
What is called 'a Grand carriage' is one which is (the gift) of the son of Heaven; the flag with dragons, and a nine-scolloped border, was the banner (conferred by) the son of Heaven; that with the azure and black edging exhibited the precious tortoises, and was (also the gift of) the son of Heaven; and when these were followed by herds of oxen and sheep, they were the gifts bestowed on the feudal lords.

雜記上 - Za Ji I

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
[Also known as: "Miscellaneous records I"]

10 雜記上:
Za Ji I:
At the mourning rites for a Great officer, one from the department of the chief superintendent of the ancestral temple assisted (the presiding mourner), and one from that of the assistant superintendent put the question to the tortoise-shell, which was then manipulated in the proper form by the diviner.

祭義 - Ji Yi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《祭義》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The meaning of sacrifices"]

40 祭義:
Ji Yi:
Anciently, the sages, having determined the phenomena of heaven and earth in their states of rest and activity, made them the basis of the Yi (and divining by it). The diviner held the tortoise-shell in his arms, with his face towards the south, while the son of Heaven, in his dragon-robe and square-topped cap, stood with his face to the north. The latter, however intelligent might be his mind, felt it necessary to set forth and obtain a decision on what his object was;-showing that he did not dare to take his own way, and giving honour to Heaven (as the supreme Decider). What was good in him (or in his views) he ascribed to others; what was wrong, to himself; thus teaching not to boast, and giving honour to men of talents and virtue.

坊記 - Fang Ji

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《坊記》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Record of the dykes"]

14 坊記:
Fang Ji:
The Master said, 'If (the ruler) ascribe what is good to others and what is wrong to himself, the people will yield to others (the credit of) what is good in them. It is said in the Book of Poetry (III, i, ode 10, 7), "He examined and divined, did the king, About settling in the capital of Hao. The tortoise-shell decided the site, And king Wu completed the city."'

中庸 - Zhong Yong

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《中庸》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The state of equilibrium and harmony"]

25 中庸:
Zhong Yong:
It is characteristic of the most entire sincerity to be able to foreknow. When a nation or family is about to flourish, there are sure to be happy omens; and when it is about to perish, there are sure to be unlucky omens. Such events are seen in the milfoil and tortoise, and affect the movements of the four limbs. When calamity or happiness is about to come, the good shall certainly be foreknown by him, and the evil also. Therefore the individual possessed of the most complete sincerity is like a spirit.

表記 - Biao Ji

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《表記》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The record on example"]

49 表記:
Biao Ji:
These were the words of the Master - 'The ancient and intelligent kings of the three dynasties all served the Spiritual Intelligences of heaven and earth, but invariably used the tortoise-shell and divining stalks. They did not presume to employ their own private judgment in the service of God. In this way they did not transgress in the matter of the day or month, for they did not act contrary to the result of the divination. The tortoise and the shell were not consulted in succession on the same point. For the great (sacrificial) services there were (fixed) seasons and days; for the smaller services these were not fixed. They fixed them by divination (near the time). (In divining) about external affairs they used the odd days; and for internal affairs, the even. They did not go against the (intimations of the) tortoise-shell and stalks.'

53 表記:
Biao Ji:
The Master said, 'The men of rank, on occasions of special respect, use their sacrificial vessels. On this account they do not fail to observe the set seasons and days, and do not act contrary to the intimations of the shell and stalks; thus seeking to serve with reverence the ruler and their superiors. In this way superiors are not troublesome to the people, and the people do not take liberties with their superiors.'

緇衣 - Zi Yi

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《緇衣》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "The black robes"]

25 緇衣:
Zi Yi:
The Master said, 'The people of the south have a saying that "A man without constancy cannot be a diviner either with the tortoise-shell or the stalks." This was probably a saying handed down from antiquity. If such a man cannot know the tortoise-shell and stalks, how much less can he know other men? It is said in the Book of Poetry (II, v, ode 1, 3), "Our tortoise-shells are wearied out, And will not tell us anything about the plans." The Charge to Yue says (Shu, IV, Viii, sect. 2, 5, 11), "Dignities should not be conferred on men of evil practices. (If they be), how can the people set themselves to correct their ways? If this be sought merely by sacrifices, it will be disrespectful (to the spirits). When affairs come to be troublesome, there ensues disorder; when the spirits are served so, difficulties ensue." It is said in the Yi, "When one does not continuously maintain his virtue, some will impute it to him as a disgrace - (in the position indicated in the Hexagram.) When one does maintain his virtue continuously (in the other position indicated), this will be fortunate in a wife, but in a husband evil."'

荀子 - Xunzi

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)]
Books referencing 《荀子》 Library Resources
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Books referencing 《王制》 Library Resources
24 王制:

說苑 - Shuo Yuan

[Western Han (206 BC - 9)] Liu Xiang
Books referencing 《說苑》 Library Resources


Books referencing 《復恩》 Library Resources
16 復恩:

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