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《月出 - Yue Chu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《月出》 Library Resources
1 月出:
Yue Chu:
The moon comes forth in her brightness;
How lovely is that beautiful lady!
O to have my deep longings for her relieved!
How anxious is my toiled heart!

2 月出:
Yue Chu:
The moon comes forth in her splendour;
How attractive is that beautiful lady!
O to have my anxieties about her relieved!
How agitated is my toiled heart!

3 月出:
Yue Chu:
The moon comes forth and shines;
How brilliant is that beautiful lady!
O to have the chains of my mind relaxed!
How miserable is my toiled heart!

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/yue-chu