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魯頌 - Praise-Odes Of Lu

Books referencing 《魯頌》 Library Resources

閟宮 - Bi Gong

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《閟宮》 Library Resources
5 閟宮:
Bi Gong:
Our prince's chariots are a thousand,
[And in each] are the vermilion tassels and the green bands of the two spears and two bows.
His footmen are thirty thousand,
With shells on vermillion-strings adorning their helmets.
So numerous are his ardent followers,
To deal with the tribes of the west and north,
And to punish [those of] Jing and Shu,
So that none of them will dare to withstand us.
May [the Spirits] make you grandly prosperous!
May they make you long-lived and wealthy!
May the hoary hair and wrinkled back,
Marking the aged men, be always in your employment!
May they make you prosperous and great!
May they grant you old age, ever vigorous,
For myriads and thousands of years,
With the eyebrows of longevity, and ever unharmed!

8 閟宮:
Bi Gong:
Heaven will give great blessing to our prince,
So that with the eyebrows of longevity he shall maintain Lu.
He shall possess Chang and Xu,
And recover all the territory of the duke of Zhou.
Then shall the marquis of Lu feast and be glad,
With his admirable wife and aged mother;
With his excellent ministers and all his [other] officers.
Our region and State shall be hold,
Thus receiving many blessings,
To hoary hair, with a child's teeth.

Total 2 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.