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Condition 1: Contains text "君取於吳為同姓謂之吳孟子" Matched:1.
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述而 - Shu Er

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《述而》 Library Resources
31 述而:
Shu Er:
The minister of crime of Chen asked whether the duke Zhao knew propriety, and Confucius said, "He knew propriety." Confucius having retired, the minister bowed to Wu Ma Qi to come forward, and said, "I have heard that the superior man is not a partisan. May the superior man be a partisan also? The prince married a daughter of the house of Wu, of the same surname with himself, and called her, 'The elder Zi of Wu.' If the prince knew propriety, who does not know it?" Wu Ma Qi reported these remarks, and the Master said, "I am fortunate! If I have any errors, people are sure to know them."

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.