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Scope: In A Plum Garden, Cao Cao Discusses Heroes; Using The Host's Forces, Guan Yu Takes Xuzhou Request type: Paragraph
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曹操煮酒論英雄,關公賺城斬車胄 - In A Plum Garden, Cao Cao Discusses Heroes; Using The Host's Forces, Guan Yu Takes Xuzhou

15 曹操煮酒... :
In A Plum Garden,...:
So next day Liu Bei went to an audience, and Cao Cao gave him command of fifty thousand horse and foot, and sent Generals Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao with him.
At parting with Liu Bei, the Emperor shed tears.
As soon as Liu Bei reached his lodging, he set about preparations for immediate departure, taking his seal as General and preparing his weapons. Dong Cheng went three miles away from the city to bid him farewell.
"You must not mind my going. This journey will assuredly help on the scheme," said Liu Bei.
"Keep your mind fixed on that," said Dong Cheng, "and never forget what His Majesty requires of us."
They parted. Presently his brothers asked him why he was in such a hurry to get away.
Liu Bei replied, "I have been a bird in a cage, a fish in a net. This is like the fish regaining the open sea and the bird soaring into the blue sky. I suffered much from the confinement."
Then he ordered Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao to march the troops faster.
Now Guo Jia and Cheng Yu had been absent inspecting stores and supplies when Liu Bei left. As soon as they heard of his expedition, they went in to see their master, asking him why he had let Liu Bei go in command of an army.
"He is going to cut off Yuan Shu," replied Cao Cao.
"Formerly, when he was Imperial Protector of Yuzhou, we recommended that he should be put to death, but you would not hear of it. Now you have given him an army. You have allowed the dragon to reach the sea, the tiger to return to the mountains. What control will you have in future?"
So spoke Cheng Yu, and Guo Jia followed in the same strain, saying, "Even if you would not put him to death, you need not have let him go. As the proverb says, 'Relax opposition for one day and age-long harm ensues.' You must admit the truth of this."
Cao Cao recognized that these were prudent counsels, so he sent Xu Chu with five hundred horsemen and imperative orders to bring Liu Bei back again.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.