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Scope: White Horse Discourse Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曰求馬黃黑馬皆可致" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

白马论 - White Horse Discourse

English translation: Donald Sturgeon [?] Library Resources
6 白马论:
White Horse Discourse:...:
[B]: Requesting a horse, a brown or a black horse may arrive; requesting a white horse, a brown or a black horse will not arrive. By making a white horse the same as a horse, what is requested [in these two cases] is the same. If what is requested is the same, then a white horse is no different to a horse; if what is requested is no different, then how is it that in one case brown and black horses are acceptable, and in the other they are not? Acceptable and unacceptable are clearly in opposition to each other. Thus brown and black horses are also one in that one can reply that there is a horse, yet one cannot reply that there is a white horse. It is clear indeed that a white horse is not a horse.

1. 马 : Originally read: "者". 从《百子全书》本改。

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.